These are two examples of the fun things you can do with FotoFlexer. The most important part of a free service is the intrusion of the ads. FF does a great job here. Small banners that are always there, but no pop ups or through pages. Very easy to use and all the tools can help you create a fun addition to any lesson. I like the ease of uploading photos. It is great that you can upload them from multiple web sources as well as your computer. I took this one from Facebook. And yes, that is me. The one on the left is a color sketch effect. The one below is a tinted and comic effect. FotoFlexer is great!

I have been using Google Docs for awhile now. I love that I can have all of my docs on the web so that I can access them from anywhere. The major complaint I have is that it is NOT fully compatible with Word. Of course, what is? (I have used Open Office a lot as well, and although the functionality is very similar, files cannot be sent out and received as word files, so others always have trouble downloading and opening.) The major complaint that I have is formatting. It is NOT compatible in this way. This has been frustrating as I have tried to use Google Docs for cover letters and resumes from Word to no avail:(